I learned a Hungarian Tongue twister! I love teaching Hungarians "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" And now I have my own Hungarian one to work on....I remember it, but my pronunciation still is not the best. The "gy" sound gets me every time...its like a combination of 'j' 'd' and 'g' and I can't wrap my tongue around it. Interesting experience for an aspiring speech pathologist. The tongue twister translates to " One cherry seed and one more cherry seed, that's two cherry seeds!" Tough to say for such an easy concept!
My students are always amused when I try to speak Hungarian, so I'm sure I will have them laughing with my terrible pronunciation and mediocre effort to repeat a common Hungarian child's phrase! This week in school I started introducing some interesting American pop-culture topics to my students. With the older kids, we were watching The Twilight Zone, and with the younger advanced kids I brought in articles about The Jersey Shore and Lindsay Lohan getting in trouble yet again (this time she stole a 2500 dollar necklace....really?) They seemed to enjoy it, and I'm going to continue The Twilight Zone through this week. Of course I had to explain that, no, this was not the same story as the vampire movie....And some of the kids were let down. I had to laugh at that!
I started with the classic "Eye of the Beholder" to get them accustomed to the bizarre-ness of the show....it's not really something I could explain!! So although this episode is a little predictable, its a good starting point for ESL students. I'm going to dazzle them with my favorite episodes this week :) I just tried to explain to them that this is such a classic, epic TV series and they should at least know about it even if it isn't their taste...Can't please everyone! But they were entertained at the very least....they don't make television like that anymore. And I don't want the students to think that all the shows that make it here (Friends, Dallas (!?), and Two and a Half Men....Not to mention they all download Gossip Girl and The Jersey Shore!!) are all that American television has to offer! Interesting topics are brought up, and they get to see some classic well-made television, so hopefully they enjoy it.
This week there was beautiful frost on the trees, and although I couldn't get any proper photos since I was at school, I took some with my phone. It was incredibly beautiful and I couldn't stop looking out the window on my way to school! The tree trunks were still brown, but each branch was completely covered with frost so that it was colored white...Interesting look for the trees!!
I need to mention that I've never seen a country so obsessed with Walnuts as this one...Yesterday alone I had Walnut Soup, Walnut Palinka, and a Walnut filled pastry! Hungarians make soup and Palinka out of anything apparently...but walnut!? I means it was great, just wierd!! I'll leave you with a picture of what I had for snack today after yummy bob leves (bean soup) for lunch. Its a pancake/crepe....filled with honey, lemon juice, cocoa and walnut! Soooo good!
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