Wednesday, February 16, 2011

fanny packs are cool here!

For those of you who don't know, Tamara and I have been anticipating the comeback of Fanny packs for years now. We noted that while they made a (neon and cheesy) fashion statement in the 80's and 90's, they are quite useful! For instance, think about going out to the club/bar and having the freedom to swing your arms and dance without worrying about a purse because your belongings were already attached to you. Or, think about exercising and having a place to put your ipod and cell phone while you jog around town. Useful, but officially branded in America as "one of the 80's worst fashion choices." At this moment, you are probably picturing, as I usually do when the word "fanny pack" is mentioned, an overweight family with matching neon fanny packs walking around Disney World and looking up and around at the sights while simultaneously shoving french fries into their mouths. No? Just me? Well, Tamara and I joked about how one day they would come back, and let me tell you, they have come back with a vengeance at the high school I work at.

I saw some girls rocking them a few weeks back, and although I was excited, I must admit I thought it was some kind of sick joke. But, this week, I saw a group of the "cool" boys wearing them on the bus. These boys are cheeky as hell when I have them in class, but I know they are considered the "cool" kids because of their general style, demeaner, and bad haircut (I call it the half-mullet and I really wish I had a picture for you). Anyway, they wear the fanny pack around their waist, but to the side/back of their body, not in the front. Also, they come in normal neutral colors and the popular American Brandname "Eastpack" (remember, the backpacks??)

I'm working on getting a picture of this with my phone, maybe I can be sneaky and nonchalant. I literally almost asked my student yesterday if I could take a picture of her wearing it... I wanted to explain the whole story! I refrained, however, not wanting this trend to stop before it begins. I want the fanny pack revolution to overtake Eger and all of Europe! I sound evil, but I swear I'm not, I'm just excited.

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