Monday, May 9, 2011

it's all happening

Mediocre (weather wise) weekend....with not-so-mediocre amounts of fun and relaxation.  went to the countryside house for a little outside cookin' over the fire

relaxing beverages with bub to ease the stress of a hectic week

hike with neighbors....

this is the backyard of the countryside house....It goes for miles.  Never climbing a mountain, but more rolling through the mountains with my mouth gaping open at all the s p a c e

a little skyping with some oh-so-missed mommas (real momma, god momma and grand momma)...

...followed by a beautiful Monday. 

Also, I may get the chance to practice a little speech pathology and do my first screening in a local hospital!  I have my advisor back home backing me (yay, Queens College--I have something good to say about you!) and it is for an American here....So we will see how that goes.  I'm excited, but....nem tudom.  Nervous I guess. 

 Also, one of my colleagues bought me peanut butter, and I have been loving on that little piece of America all weekend.  I've been loving it on toast, with a little jam, with a little banana, and of course right off the spoon.  Fincsi fincsi fincsi!

What's kinda cool is that a few weekends ago we climbed that far mountian wayyy in the back there :)

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