Monday, May 30, 2011

i have to leave THIS?

A bigger entry coming soon about shenanigans with my NY friends this past week.....but right now I just need to appreciate that these photos sum up my life here and I'm really going to miss it.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

the days, they just go on by

Every day here is some kind of magical adventure.  Even with a "real job." Why would I give that up?  (The answer is pursue my dream-- which sometimes feels like some capitalist answer to a real dream, but whatever--no one really cares about that, do they?)

When I tell people June 17th is the day that a period ends this long saga of photography, exploration, nature, deep breaths of ridiculously fresh air, blogging, teaching, loving and living simultaneously...I always follow it with a lip pout.

...The truth is, I've found yet another home here.  I know that that is what happens when you live somewhere long enough, but once again the meanings of words are blurring when I travel to and from Hungary. 

"Coming" and "Going" don't feel like Coming and Going-- Somehow, it feels all the same even though these words are supposed to have completely opposite meanings. 

In the famous words of Conor Oberst, "You're either coming or you just left, but you're always on the way..."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

life lesson 348

Make plans, but never take them too seriously....

Be flexible so that bumps in the road don't mess up your flow, only lift you up a little bit, and let you back down easy.  Be easy.  Think of your bod like it has "shocks," (Yes, like a car--maybe they call them shocks for a reason) and you don't want to wear them out.  So ride those bumps, get used to being jolted and shoved around, that way if you ever hit a smooth patch, you'll appreciate it more.  Smooth sailing is for the boring. 

...That being said, maybe planning on your plans changing can help you actually plan your future in a more successful way?

Sunday, May 15, 2011


This weekend we got to go to this awesome ranch at the top of one of the mountains in the Bükk.  A HUGE house, complete with 6 hotel rooms on the property, a coral with at least 40 horses, and even a dread-lock dog (a Puli!)

A lot of fresh air, bonfires, lots of people, about 30 liters of wine, fat on the fire (oh yeah, forget marshmallows here--they roast FAT!), nature, mountain biking, and being lacksidasical in the sunshine.

 We spent Saturday morning making dandilion chains......even the Puli,who's name was Negro, got one. I can't make this stuff up.

A few nights spent in the mountains is most definitely the best type of weekend that can be had.  No technology, no noise, and no worries.  Just trees, trails, air, and lots of giggling.

puli the dreadlock dog...the filthiest animal ever!

Check out his funny horse teeth


 Think about having a birthday party with little kids on a hot summer day.  Now think about saying the word "popsicles," and think about the stampede of children you would get.  This was almost exactly the same, except bigger, smellier, and wayyy dustier!
This was the nightly "dinner time call." 
....It's 10 PM on Sunday night, and it only just started raining now :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

it's all happening

Mediocre (weather wise) weekend....with not-so-mediocre amounts of fun and relaxation.  went to the countryside house for a little outside cookin' over the fire

relaxing beverages with bub to ease the stress of a hectic week

hike with neighbors....

this is the backyard of the countryside house....It goes for miles.  Never climbing a mountain, but more rolling through the mountains with my mouth gaping open at all the s p a c e

a little skyping with some oh-so-missed mommas (real momma, god momma and grand momma)...

...followed by a beautiful Monday. 

Also, I may get the chance to practice a little speech pathology and do my first screening in a local hospital!  I have my advisor back home backing me (yay, Queens College--I have something good to say about you!) and it is for an American here....So we will see how that goes.  I'm excited, but....nem tudom.  Nervous I guess. 

 Also, one of my colleagues bought me peanut butter, and I have been loving on that little piece of America all weekend.  I've been loving it on toast, with a little jam, with a little banana, and of course right off the spoon.  Fincsi fincsi fincsi!

What's kinda cool is that a few weekends ago we climbed that far mountian wayyy in the back there :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

life lesson 243

always bring socks to a weekend house....even in the summer

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Beginning of Május

My time here is going so quickly.  It's unreal.  I was thinking today how it feels like I was just in Raleigh, NC bringing in the new year with my college buds....and It's been 4 months!

I've really been enjoying myself immensly, especially since the weather has been so nice.  Also I JUST GOT PAID!  A party should be thrown, seriously!  I've been making do with what I have, which is fine, and living off of my private lesson money...which was peanuts compared to what I have now. 

And you know what's really sick?  I didn't even run off to the mall to go clothes shopping....I did however run off to my favorite little boutique right off the center square.  It's kind of a classy second-hand clothing store....with great prices.  I fell in love with it when I was poor, and now that I have money, I find myself still going in!  I can't help it...they have these unique vintage-y european clothes which are just my style!

Anyways, here's what I've been up to, I'll let the photos speak for themselves:

Do not tell me those goats aren't freaking adorable.  BABY GOATS!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

life lesson 642

Actions (and for that matter, lack of actions) speak louder that words. 

Stop saying and talking and start to BE and DO.