Friday, March 25, 2011


i just feel really happy and lucky to be a teacher and have a teaching job.

not hating your job is a wonderful thing, and i've never had a job that I really really hated I'm happy to say. I've always had to scrounge and not go shopping and eat beans for dinner because I've always been po' broke, but I don't know, I've grown to like beans.

And I'm content with not feeling like I waste my time at my job...I actually do stuff. Teaching isn't very glamorous, but at least you have a group of students to entertain you at any hour of the day at your job. I mean, if nothing else, kids are freaking funny.

It is certainly nice to be on the other side of the grading process...Over the years I have written rediculous amounts of papers. I'm not gonna lie, marking the crap out of papers with my RED PEN feels terrific. Especially because I'm not mean, I compliment word choice and make smily faces next to thought provoking commentary :) And since I'm not a Grammar teacher, I tell them they are being graded on content, not grammar; however, their grammar will be corrected partially because I can't help it, but mostly to benefit them during their post-mark read-through.

And it's kind of cool to recreate some of my favorite lessons from over the years, but have my own spin on them! Not sure what this post is really about, I guess I just had a good week and felt the need to appreciate actually liking my job and my career choice of working with kids.

Happy Friday!

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